How do you define your worth? Do you expect someone to define it for you? Do you wait on validation from others to tell you that you are "good enough", "pretty enough" or "thin enough"? Most of my life I have looked to others to see my value. I waited on those who truly didn't know my worth to tell me I was "worthy"... but what happens when they don't tell you? What happens when that validation isn't there? Or what if they are always telling you "you aren't good enough", "you are worthless", "you don't deserve ____".? What if all the times they did tell you end up being a lie... or what if they leave? Now where is your worth? Is it still there? Or are you a sobbing heap on the floor?
I have been that sobbing heap more times than I would like to admit. I have allowed others to hold my own self worth over my head like a carrot only to throw it and run. I have become a doormat and a slave to others thoughts about me and claiming I am just trying to stay "humble". No. There is a difference between HUMILITY and being a doormat. IT IS CALLED SELF-WORTH FOR A REASON!!!!!! YOU MUST HAVE IT WITHIN YOUR SELF!!!! :) I have learned (seriously still learning...... who am I kidding?) that knowing my worth makes it easier to not give up on my goals. KNOWING I am capable, strong and able despite ANYONE'S thoughts or words or actions propels me to success. When someone implies that I am not worthy in some way... I can walk away with a smile and politely disagree with their opinion.
Don't let someone's opinion of your worth cause you to lower your standards to fit their mold. Don't let the thoughts of being "unworthy" or of "being less" hold you back from doing huge things!! Also, don't tell yourself lies that start off with the words "I can't" or "I'm not". YOU CAN, YOU ARE and YOU WILL!!!!! :) Negativity breeds negativity... so start saying positive things about yourself and BELIEVE THEM!!!! You got this!!!!
Put your pearls on and push through!